Friday, October 14, 2011

On the Real Dangers of Marguerite Roza’s Fake Graph « School Finance 101

On the Real Dangers of Marguerite Roza’s Fake Graph « School Finance 101:

On the Real Dangers of Marguerite Roza’s Fake Graph

Posted on October 14, 2011 by


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In my last post, I ranted about this absurd graph presented by Marguerite Roza to a symposium of the New York Regents on September 13, 2011. Since that presentation (but before my post), that graph was also presented by the New York State Commissioner of Education to Superintendents of NY State School Districts (Sept. 26). The graph and the accompanying materials are now part of a statewide push in New York to promote an apparent policy agenda, though I lack some clarity on the specifics of that agenda at this point in time.

Because this graph is now part of an ongoing agenda in New York and because critiques by other credible, leading scholars similar to my own but less ranting in style, which were submitted to state officials following the symposium have seemingly been ignored (shelved, shredded, or whatever) I feel the need to take a little more time to explain my previous rant. Why is this graph so