Monday, October 17, 2011

OccupyLAUSD | Now is the Time!

OccupyLAUSD | Now is the Time!:

Los Angeles Educators Occupy LAUSD
Teachers, students, parents, and school employees from across the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) will unite with Occupy LA and march to LAUSD Headquarters to begin a SECOND occupation site in Los Angeles. Protesters, part of the 99% who work, play, learn, and teach at our schools, will set up tents after the march and rally and occupy the sidewalk space surrounding LAUSD in protest to the cuts in education that have devastated school communities. Over 1,200 teachers, librarians, school psychologists, and nurses have been laid off this year alone. Secondary Schools routinely pack more than 40 students per class in academic classes. Many school libraries have been closed and others open while inadequately staffed. This smacks of a deliberate effort to defund our schools, label them failures, and then privatize them.
The LAUSD School Board’s top-down privatization reform efforts have given away public schools to Corporate Charter School management companies, reconstituted schools, closed down Adult Ed. programs, and increased the reliance on high states testing that has narrowed the curriculum. All these so-called “reforms” are driven by multi millionaires Eli Board, the Gates foundation and others, the 1%, who control education policy in Los Angeles.
It is time the LAUSD School Board listens to us, the 99%. We demand full funding for our schools, an end to layoffs that disrupt our school communities, and an end to Public School Giveaways. It is time we hire back our teachers, counselors, nurses, office workers and all others who make our school communities great. We demand multi millionaire money out of our public schools! We are the 99% of our schools and it is time we are heard.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Photo Op and March begins at: 4 pm LA City Hall, South Lawn
Rally and Press Conference: 5 pm LAUSD Headquarters (333 South Beaudry Ave)
Our Central Message is:
1. Lower Class sizes, hire back our teachers, counselors, nurses, office workers and all others who make our school communities great.
2. Stop the war on public education. We demand full funding of our schools, an end to layoffs that disrupt our school communities and tax justice for schools and social services.
3. We want to keep Public Schools, PUBLIC! End corporate driven reforms on our schools. End corporate influence of the 1%, Eli Board, Gates etc. on our schools.
Educators will be available for interviews in Spanish and English
For more information contact: (323)500.0232