Sunday, October 30, 2011

More schools host church services as controversy lingers |

More schools host church services as controversy lingers |

More schools host church services as controversy lingers

Eight of Oregon's 10 biggest districts currently rent out buildings for religious services, a practice that is causing controversy across the country.

NORTH-CLACKAMAS-SOUTHLAKE-TWO-ALDER-CREEK.JPGView full sizeBrad Paice (from left) of Oregon City and Justin Thomas of Sherwood sing during a Southlake Two Church service at Alder Creek Middle School in Milwaukie. Some residents question whether public schools should be used for religious services, but the practice has become common in districts across Oregon.
MILWAUKIE – Pastor Jeff Jacob begins his weekly services on the Alder Creek Middle School's auditorium stage, sometimes next to a podium emblazoned with a picture of the school mascot. After a rock band encourages the audience to sway to worship songs, Jacob launches into his sermon, exploring "who Jesus really is."

Every Sunday, Alder Creek Middle School near Milwaukie essentially transforms into the Southlake Two Church, a scene that plays out weekly in dozens of schools across Oregon and many more across the country.

That bothers Gladstone resident Wilford Bearden, who received a flier last