Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Modern School: Educational Pseudoscience and Reform Mumbo Jumbo

Modern School: Educational Pseudoscience and Reform Mumbo Jumbo:

Educational Pseudoscience and Reform Mumbo Jumbo

In order to make educational reforms seem more compelling, advocates attempt to serve them smothered in data. The problem is that very little educational research is done with double blind, randomized samplings or adequate controls, drawing into question the validity of the data collected, as well as the assertions made in their support. Furthermore, many of the “self-evident” and “obvious” assumptions and premises upon which these reforms are based are simply not true.

As a consequence, there are numerous popular reforms being imposed on teachers and children, often at great cost in time, stress, money and resources, without good reason to believe that they will improve learning outcomes.

Fortunately, the scientific community is now jumping into the educational reform fracas, with a number of good critiques of some of this bogus research. Science, one of the world’s