Friday, October 21, 2011

“Mitchell 20″ Honors the Challenge to Give Ourselves to Teaching « InterACT

“Mitchell 20″ Honors the Challenge to Give Ourselves to Teaching « InterACT:

“Mitchell 20″ Honors the Challenge to Give Ourselves to Teaching


Daniela Robles (image from "Mitchell 20")

In 2007, Daniela Robles was feeling the frustration shared by many teachers in the United States. Having followed in the steps of her parents who were also educators, and more than a decade into her career, Daniela was lost, confused, bewildered: “I didn’t know who I was anymore.” The deleterious effects of No Child Left Behind were then, as they still are now, setting up public school for failure by expecting continual growth for every student sub-group in both tested skill sets, every year, until every single student’s test scores show proficiency, every year. Trying to stay a step ahead of the avalanche that will, unaltered, bury us all, schools have adopted all sorts of misguided policies, narrowed or scripted curriculum, hoping somehow to stave off “program improvement” status for one more year.

Daniela decided to find herself again as a teacher by pursuing National Board Certification, which is a voluntary