Thursday, October 6, 2011

Linked K-12, Postsecondary, and Workforce Data—A Bipartisan Holy Grail?

Linked K-12, Postsecondary, and Workforce Data—A Bipartisan Holy Grail?:

Linked K-12, Postsecondary, and Workforce Data—A Bipartisan Holy Grail?

The Holy GrailIt’s rare to see Republicans and Democrats agree on anything these days, so it was particularly heartening at yesterday’s Data Quality Campaign meeting on Strengthening the Feedback Loop: Using Data to Support the College-and-Career-Ready Agenda, to see high-ranking conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats sound the call for better data to understand how secondary and postsecondary schools prepare students for further education and the workforce

While data nerds and policy dorks (myself included), have been harping on this for a looong time, yesterday’s event made it clear that this conversation has finally entered the center of federal and state education policy-