Sunday, October 16, 2011

The KIPP Schools that KIPP Doesn’t Claim « A "Fuller" Look at Education Issues

The KIPP Schools that KIPP Doesn’t Claim « A "Fuller" Look at Education Issues:

The KIPP Schools that KIPP Doesn’t Claim

As reader of this blog know, I am working on a report that focuses on Texas charter schools. Many of the myths surrounding charter schools–especially the so-called high-performing charter schools–will be examined and some debunked.

In doing this research, I found something very, very curious. The Texas Education Agency lists a number of schools with the KIPP name. Yet, KIPP does not claim all of these schools on their national website.

Maybe I missed the names on the national website ( Maybe the Texas Education Agency made a mistake (not likely since the names are submitted by the districts). Maybe there is a perfectly reasonable explanation. But both Great Schools and the Texas Tribune list ALL the schools in the table below as KIPP Schools. Again, perhaps there is a logical explanation such as they do not consider