Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jersey Jazzman: Cerf and Murdoch: BFFs!

Jersey Jazzman: Cerf and Murdoch: BFFs!:

Cerf and Murdoch: BFFs!

These poor, unloved reformy types! I mean, they're just trying to have a nice, quiet conference where they come up with new ways to screw unions, screw teachers, and enrich education profiteers. But the rabble just won't leave them alone, what with their uncivil calls for "transparency" and such:
About 50-75 protesters picketed a conference hosted by Bush's Foundation for Excellence in Education Thursday in San Francisco. Those protests came in part because of its inclusion of News Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Rupert Murdoch, who last year launched an education division within the global media conglomerate that also includes the conservative leaning—and some say teacher unfriendly—Fox News Network, as well as a British newspaper recently indicted in aphone-hacking scandal.
Apparently, these plebes actually have the temerity to want to ask questions!
During the Q&A session, Steve Begley, a blogger from the K-12 News Network, asked