Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Final Outcome of the Washington State PTA Legislative Assembly | Seattle Education

The Final Outcome of the Washington State PTA Legislative Assembly | Seattle Education:

The Final Outcome of the Washington State PTA Legislative Assembly

As I have posted previously in Whoa! Where did that come from Washington State PTA!!? Charter Schools?! Part 1, So Much for Fair and Balanced With the Washington State PTA, A Letter to All Parents in the Sate of Washington About Charter Schools, Stand for Children, School Board Elections, Washington State PTA and Charter Schools and The Washington State PTA Stacks the Deck Towards Charter Schools the PTA is under siege by Stand for Children (SFC) and the League of Education Voters (LEV). Both organizations are backed by Gates and big corporate money. They want nothing more than to turn the state of Washington into charter school country, privatizing our entire public school system.

I did not attend this year’s Legislative Assembly because my daughter has graduated from the Seattle Public School system but I did get information on what occurred during the two-day event. One teacher who commented on the post Final Thoughts on the Washington State PTA stated:


Along with a team of two other teachers from Issaquah and one from Bellevue, I was delegate at PTSA