Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dumbest completely fabricated (but still serious?) graph ever! (so far) « School Finance 101

Dumbest completely fabricated (but still serious?) graph ever! (so far) « School Finance 101:

Dumbest completely fabricated (but still serious?) graph ever! (so far)

Okay. You all know that I like to call out dumb graphs. And I’ve addressed a few on this blog previously.

Here are a few from the past:

Now, each of the graphs in this previous post and numerous others I’ve addressed, like this one (From RiShawn Biddle) had something over the graph I’m going to address in this post. Each of the graphs I’ve addressed previously at the very least used some “real” data. They all used it badly. Some used it in ways that should be considered illegal. Others… well… just dumb.

But this new graph, sent to me from a colleague who had to suffer through this presentation, really takes the