Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Daily Kos: TBAD Gala - it got personal for me

Daily Kos: TBAD Gala - it got personal for me:

TBAD Gala - it got personal for me

Last night was the Gala for Campaign for America's Future's annual conference in DC, Take Back the American Dream.

On Monday I had been on a panel on education titled "Starving the Dream: The Attack on Public Education & How We Fight Back." I had heard most of the speeches to the conference as a whole, had had opportunities to catch up with people from around the country whom I know and/or admire.

I had chosen to attend the Gala to help support the efforts of CAF and to show my solidarity with the idea of taking back the American dream.

There were four awards given to Planned Parenthood, Drummond Pike of the Tides Foundation, The Dream Act Activists, and the Wisconsin Movement. The last two of those made it personal to me, and I want to explain why.