Friday, October 28, 2011

The Curmudgeon |

The Curmudgeon |

The Curmudgeon

You know what the real problem with getting “old” is? The real problem with getting old is that you remember. You remember things you shouldn’t.

I inherited one of those leather Kleenex holders, one that clips to the sun visor of your car, from my father-in-law when he died. It is one of those items you stick up there and never use– leastwise, he didn’t. It could have been up there 20, 30, maybe even 50 years. As luck would have it, a Kleenex was handy when I needed to blow my nose. OMG, as I brought it to my nose, my face felt like it was being wrapped in a luxurious beach towel.

Well, OK, I hadn’t really remembered, but I did this a.m. when I reached for a Kleenex in the kitchen. It was barely there, nearly as thin as one of the outer layers of a yellow onion and just about as soft. Then I remembered the toilet paper that used to be almost as wide as the roller that holds it.