Tuesday, October 11, 2011

CHICAGO – 20 YEARS OF REFORM « Teachers Fight Back

CHICAGO – 20 YEARS OF REFORM « Teachers Fight Back:


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Researchers at the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research tracked Chicago school progress from 1988 through 2008 and concluded: “Elementary reading scores didn’t budge much over that time, despite a massive effort of reform. While white and Asian students showed modest gains, African-American students did not improve at all.”

“African-American students, particularly males, fell further behind all other students over the two decades. The pernicious racial achievement gap is growing.”

The Chicago Tribune, (otherwise known as “teacher bashing central”), writes about the study, “The study didn’t pinpoint which reforms were most effective. It did underscore that there are no broad miracles in education. No single reform lifts all students.”

Did you hear that Chicago Tribune ? THERE ARE NO BROAD MIRACLES IN EDUCATION. Stop blaming teacher