Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Big Education Ape: 10-5-11 AM Trouble With the Parent Trigger EDition

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now:

Published by Coopmike48 – 7 news spotters today

U.S. lawmakers make China a whipping boy - President Obama shakes hands with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao before a bilateral meeting in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, DC, Jan. 19, 2011. (Getty) (AP) WASHINGTON - U.S...


The Trouble With the Parent Trigger - Bridging Differences - Dear Deborah,There is a move under way to promote something called the "Parent Trigger" as a way to reform schools. It is another one of those deceptive schemes that comes packaged with an alluring...


Wrongly imprisoned man to go free after 25 years - Michael Morton (The Innocence Project) (AP) GEORGETOWN, Texas - A grocery store employee who spent nearly 25 years in prison for killing his wife is set to go free after DNA tests showed another m...


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coopmike48 Aldermen sign on to CTU-backed TIF ordinance | - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 Life After Death by PowerPoint - The Educator's PLN - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 Rise & Shine: DOE to share equally in budget cuts, hiring freeze | GothamSchools - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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Who are the 99 percent? - (Ramin Talaie - BLOOMBERG) “I did everything I was supposed to and I have nothing to show for it.” It’s not the arrests that convinced me that “Occupy Wall Street” was worth covering seriously. Nor...


Thankfully, the CTU didn't take Zorn's advice - You may remember, it was just a little over two weeks ago that Tribune columnist Eric Zorn was urging the Chicago Teachers Union to throw in the towel in its fight with the mayor over the 90-minute...


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School Tech Connect: Democracy... - ...not something to be thrown away just because you've got a charter jones.Hear, hear! Nancy has hit the nail on the head. I do not trust anyone whose ideas are so toxic that they require the suspe...


The Day: Like Putin, Like Bloomberg - Political ploys under way in Russia could almost serve as an instruction manual for the leadership at either end of New York’s City Hall. You have to slap your forehead in wonder that the New Yorke...


Livewire | TPM - Speaking on Fox Business' Follow the Money on Monday night, Anne Coulter discussed her fear of the danger of “mob uprisings” such as the Occupy Wall Street protests currently occuring.To Coulter, t...


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Tale of One City, Two Worlds - Isn't this charming? Doesn't it bathe you in earthly delight? Don't you want to drop what you're doing and register your children for it? Meanwhile, kids at the mayor's school are off to the Dunes....


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Bank of America - A Unique Display of Corporate Greed - Printer-friendly versionSend to friendBy Mitch Seaman California Labor Federation Forbes magazine as gutsy consumer advocate? Well, not really, but even the favored rag of corporate shills everywhe...


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