Thursday, October 13, 2011

Big Education Ape: 10-13-11 AM Big #owsbucks fuel board races EDition

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now:

Published by Coopmike48 – 5 news spotters today

Campaign finance filings show wide gaps - Initial campaign finance filings show Denver school board candidate Happy Haynes has already raised more than $200,000, with three weeks remaining before Election Day. Haynes, a former Denver City ...


Big bucks fuel DPS board races - A student works on a number diagram during the first day of school at Amos Steck Elementary on Thursday, August 18, 2011. (AAron Ontiveroz, The Denver Post)More than $500,000 has poured into the De...


Timothy D. Slekar: Dear Teacher Education Colleagues - Reports the Website "Schools Matter": In recalibrating what information the Feds will require of ed schools, a graying and sallow Arne announced that his Gates and Broad handlers have come up with ...


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coopmike48 Big Education Ape: New ESEA Senate bill posted - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 Big Education Ape: Modern School: Punished For Having Too Many Poor Black and Latino Students - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 Big Education Ape: One True Act of Patriotism by Shysti #ows - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 SEE NCTE Comment/Correction re: Schools Matter: Resolution: NCTE will oppose common core standards and national tests - 1 minute ago · reply · retweet · favorite

EducationSee all

Charters Schools Part III: Cashing In on Education - Traditional public school districts and charter schools have long been at odds in Ohio, but that strain is most noticeable when it comes to schools run by for-profit corporations. Ida Lieszkovszky ...


SocietySee all

Short Funds Crimp Tribal Women's Safety Law - A federal law passed in July was supposed to benefit American Indian and Alaskan Native women who are disproportionately vulnerable to abuse. But tight funding and immunity for non-Indian men are t...


PoliticsSee all

David Mamet: ‘I did not vote for Obama’ - Tim Mak - Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Mamet argues for the conservative vision of society and denounces liberal hypocrisy in an editorial about silk-screening and sushi on Wednesday.In a difficul...


Emanuel Budget to Include TIF Funds, Fee Hikes - Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s proposal to close the city’s 2012 fiscal shortfall will feature funds from tax-increment financing districts, increased sticker costs for drivers of sports-utility vehicles and...


StoriesSee all

Hip Hop Genius: Remixing High School Education - learn more and get the book at follow on twitter at this video illustrates (literally!) the concept of Hip Hop Genius. these ideas are explored more ful...


HealthSee all

Autism: Law make insurers cover therapy - Parents of children with autism lauded the governor's decision to sign into law a bill that requires health insurers to cover behavioral health treatments for their kids, but questions linger about...


TechnologySee all

The Gloves are Coming Off - Today Sherry Carr's campaign sent out a press release about Kate Martin. What was noted about Kate is truthful to a point. Kate did do and say what it says BUT she has explained all of it and it...


October 15th Global Protest Info - Dear friends, First of all, thanks for your great work! I'm part of #OWS here in NYC and of the #15M Spanish movement, and I just wanted to make sure you have received this important info about Oct...


#owsSee all

Hispanics skip work to protest immigration law - Dave Martin / AP Jose Contreras stands outside his closed store and restaurant in Albertville, Ala., Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011. Dozens of businesses across the state shut down as Hispanics took a da...


#occupywallstSee all

Lawrence Lessig at Occupy Wall Street – Boing Boing - By Mark Frauenfelder at 4:31 pm Wednesday, Oct 12[Video Link] Here's Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig in Boston: "If this movement can be identified as a fight against the corruption that our poli...



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