Wednesday, October 5, 2011

ASCD Inservice: Countering the Negative Spin on Education

ASCD Inservice: Countering the Negative Spin on Education:

Countering the Negative Spin on Education

If you follow the media reports, it seems that nearly everyone loves their kids' local school, but think that K–12 education and the teaching profession needs some kind of major shoring up. Why is that? Can we blame the media's endless hunger for controversy, or do real problems arise from within the profession itself (e.g., defensive teachers unions, outdated teacher education programs, poor pay or lack of prestige compared to more lucrative professions)?

ASCD Express is looking for short, 600 to 1,000-word essays on the theme "Countering the Negative Spin on Education." We want to find out what school districts, states, schools, or schools of education are doing to fight the constant downspin of K–12 education. How did you confront a real problem and make lasting changes? How do you work with the local community and news media to highlight your school successes? What kind of professional development do you do with other educators or organizations to increase the professionalism of individuals or your education institution?

Guidelines for submissions are here. Please send us your submissions by October 19, 2011.

Save PD Time, Put Up a Parking Lot

Why might teachers be pessimistic about setting aside valuable time for professional development? One major reason is that teachers often have little to no role in designing their own PD. But an often even more pervasive reason is that PD...