Sunday, October 30, 2011

Are you in? The White House wants to hear from you « MomsRising Blog

Are you in? The White House wants to hear from you « MomsRising Blog:

Are you in? The White House wants to hear from you

MomsRising has been invited to the White House this coming Tuesday to share your experiences and questions about jobs and the economy. The President wants to hear from you!

Are you in?

*Click here to submit your questions–and share your experiences–about jobs and the economy for us to give to President Barack Obama:

What you have to say is powerful! Sharing your real life experiences, and questions, about jobs and the economy can have a big impact by getting leaders more focused on important public policies. And, sharing your experiences can also help counter corporate Wall Street lobbyist efforts to concentrate attention solely on Wall Street, and not on Main Street.

So please take a moment to share what’s going on in your life.

Are you, a friend, or family member having trouble finding or keeping a job? How is the economy impacting your family? And, do you have a question for the President about how he’s planning to grow jobs and turn the economy around?

*Click here to submit your questions–and your experiences–about jobs and the economy now for us to share with the President:

Going to the White House on Tuesday is a critical opportunity for us to take your thoughts about the job market, about the economy, about the American Jobs Act [1], and about family economic security directly to the top.

Our nation is facing grave challenges and we all need to roll up our sleeves together to find a positive path forward. One in four kids in our nation are experiencing food scarcity due to family economic limitations.[2] And, there are currently 25 million Americans who want to work, but who can’t find full-time jobs.[3] Now is a critical time for leaders to hear from real families across the nation.

Sharing your questions and your experiences about jobs and the economy here now can have a big impact by helping leaders find solutions that work for all of us, not only for wealthy Wall Street lobbyists.

There’s no more powerful voice to “tell it like it really is” than those of us (you!) who are living, and raising families, in cities and states across our nation.

*Here’s that link again in case you want to copy and paste it on your Facebook page, or forward it to a friend via email, so others can share their experiences too:

Our voices–your voice!–are important for leadership at all levels (even the President!) to hear!

P.S. In addition to going to the White House and hand-delivering your experiences and questions, we hope you’ll join us on Tuesday for a live Tweetchat from the White House. Just follow @MomsRising on Twitter starting at 10:00am PST/ 1:00pm EST on Tuesday, November 1st.

P.P.S. For information about the American Jobs Act, go to:

[1] American Jobs Act:

[2] Washington Post:

[3] Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor: