Wednesday, October 12, 2011

All Education Matters: Powerful Image: College Professor Denouncing Student Loan Debt

All Education Matters: Powerful Image: College Professor Denouncing Student Loan Debt:

Powerful Image: College Professor Denouncing Student Loan Debt

A reader sent me this image, so I am not sure it was sent to "We are Part of the 99%" Tumblr blog. I think it's safe to assume it was, so that's why I am linking to them again. They have done an outstanding job of offering people a place to share, on a very personal level, what it's like to be part of the 99%. The images have made me cry several times today, as did Barbara Ehrenreich's article in The Progressive.

This is an outstanding testament:

I have spoken to countless professors about my work as a warrior for the indentured educated class. Many of them are my friends, and they are outraged by what's happening to the cost of college. This professor is dead