Friday, September 23, 2011

Why Making Creative Schools Requires Radical Change - Education - GOOD

Why Making Creative Schools Requires Radical Change - Education - GOOD:

Why Making Creative Schools Requires Radical Change


Schools are under pressure to teach creativity and conceptual thinking to students to prepare them for the 21st-century workplace. But at a recent imagination summit in Los Angeles, internationally recognized education expert Sir Ken Robinson warned against the tendency to treat creativity as something you can "add on" to the classroom.

In this video, Robinson discusses his encounters with education officials who hope he'll "recommend a creativity hour, on a Friday, after lunch," as a solution. But that's not enough, he says: with a 30 percent high school dropout rate, "if you take the idea of creativity seriously," it "requires radical change."

And Robinson adds that the emphasis on curriculum-narrowing standardized tests is hurting the cause. Although