Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This Week In Education: Thompson: Houston's Apollo Schools Have a Problem

This Week In Education: Thompson: Houston's Apollo Schools Have a Problem:

Thompson: Houston's Apollo Schools Have a Problem

Baseball-fieldEconomist Roland Fryar and "reformers" in Houston are bravely holding to their "Field of Dreams" theory of raising student performance. Build schools with the rigor of KIPP and low performing students will come. The New York Times' Sam Dillon reports on Apollo 20 which seeks to replicate five of KIPP's key characteristics in regular schools. The price tag for the first year at nine schools was $19 million. Dillon describes "mixed results." One

Five Best Blogs: Bad Technology, Or Bad NYT?


Wakeup call for the digital revolution EdNext: Richtel’s piece should be a cautionary tale for our education policymakers: you ignore curriculum at your own – more importantly, at our students’ – peril.

Good Teaching Trumps Hi-Tech Richard Lee Colvin: The next time the Times wants to examine the use of technology in classrooms, the editors should assign someone to the story who knows a lot more about education than about technology.

Being careless with education history Sherman Dorn: History is not a storehouse of mythic images from which you can or should draw caricatures to make your point.

Talking About Reforming Head Start New America: Less regulation, more experimental research (especially for Head Start’s youngest participant), more research, richer expenses, and a