Saturday, September 17, 2011

TEACHERS OUTRAGED « Teachers Fight Back

TEACHERS OUTRAGED « Teachers Fight Back:


I have been receiving more complaints from teachers regarding ongoing negotiations between their unions and district administrations. The district administrators are insisting on either salary freezes or outright “give backs” by the teachers. It seems almost every district is using the current bleak financial climate as a bargaining chip and psychological ploy. Finally it seems teachers are getting tired of this tactic and beginning to show some outrage over what they perceive as a lack of respect.

I am more outraged about the hypocrisy of politicians and school administrators who make countless public statement about how nothing is more important than the education of our children. If it’s so important than FIND A WAY to reward hard-working teachers with pay raises and benefits that are commensurate with the importance of their jobs.

I am outraged that corporations in this country are sitting on two trillion dollars in cash and giving big bonuses to