Thursday, September 1, 2011

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Bad news on LSC small schools case

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Bad news on LSC small schools case:

Bad news on LSC small schools case

In the proud tradition of Chicago politics, I have opted to share this piece of bad news on the Friday before a holiday weekend. Our LSC small schools case has been dismissed by the appellate court. Our only recourse now is to go back to Springfield for key changes in the LSC law, and we hope to have some strong allies to do that this year.

Here is the (disappointing) decision of the appellate court.

We had argued that the “small schools exemption” in the school reform law, which allowed certain schools to operate without an LSC, should be very narrowly read, and we challenged the way Chicago Public Schools has

Klonsky on Lab School’s short school day/year

You don’t want to miss Mike Klonsky’s reportage on a facet of the longer school day/year debate that has so far escaped Chicago’s mainstream press: the fact that Mayor Emanuel’s children attend a school with the same hours in the school day and fewer days in the school year than Chicago’s.

So, is the Mayor giving his kids “the shaft” by choosing to send them to the elite University of Chicago Lab School???

Talk about a scandal.

Here’s what Mike learned just by picking up the phone:

What I found out was that Lab has a school day comparable to CPS. It’s school year is actually a week shorter than CPS’ and Lab kids and families enjoy longer vacations and spring and winter