Thursday, September 15, 2011

Michelle Rhee spent nearly one million in ad buys to defeat due process and collective bargaining rights for Michigan teachers: outspent all MI lobbyists

Michelle Rhee spent nearly one million in ad buys to defeat due process and collective bargaining rights for Michigan teachers: outspent all MI lobbyists:

Michelle Rhee spent nearly $1M in ad buys to defeat  due process and collective bargaining rights for teachers in Michigan. Rhee’s group outspent all other Michigan lobbyists in 2011.  She teamed up with ultra-right wing legislators, Gov. Rick Snyder, and  her billionaire funders,  launching a Madison Avenue-style advertising campaign that bought her results
Written by Eclectablog for the DailyKos.  Read the entire article here. See also this article in The Detroit News.
… Republicans aren’t the only ones getting in on the demonization of the teachers of the next generation of Americans. An independent group disingenuously calling itself “StudentsFirst”, led by Michelle Rhee, has been working diligently to move schools from the public sector to the private sector. They are out to destroy teachers unions across the country and to privatize as much of the school system as they can.
How involved have they been in Michigan. Astoundingly involved, as it turns out.
An organization that supports eliminating or limiting the significance of teacher tenure reported spending nearly $900,000 on advertising in Michigan during the first seven