Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Every child left behind: New studies show that the disappearance of art, music and even recess is having a devastating effect on kids as we prepare them as widgets |

Every child left behind: New studies show that the disappearance of art, music and even recess is having a devastating effect on kids as we prepare them as widgets |

Every child left behind: New studies show that the disappearance of art, music and even recess is having a devastating effect on kids as we prepare them as widgets

From Larry Miller’s blog School: It’s way more boring than when you were there Filed under: Education Policy — millerlf @ 8:55 pm Wednesday, Sep 14, 2011 By Daniel Denvir Forty-nine million or so American children have returned to public school classrooms that are, according to many critics, ever more boring. Preparation for increasingly [...]

The Theory of Uninterrupted Revolution and its Relevance Today

As they did in the 1950s, once again, the winds of revolution are sweeping the former colonial world. This time, however, these winds are mixed with those of counter-revolution also, and this complication is partly a result of the failure of the previous period to resolve the problems in that part of the world. During [...]