Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dancing the Dialectic: For Troy

Dancing the Dialectic: For Troy:

For Troy

I feel numb. I feel defeated. I don't want to read any more stories or news reports or even any more calls to action. Then I feel ashamed. I want to be strong. I want to know what the right thing to say is at this moment for this moment.

"There is nothing to say," Ronnie Kitchen said when we talked on the phone this morning. Ronnie was the twentieth death row prisoner to be exonerated from Illinois' death row. We've known each other for fourteen years. We hung on the phone for a few moments in silence. Then we remembered our visit to Savannah. In the summer of 2009, when Ronnie walked out of Cook County Courthouse a free man, we went down to Georgia to see his mom. Since we were near Savannah, we decided to visit Martina Correia, Troy Davis' sister.

I remember sitting in Martina's living room with her mom and sister. They were so