Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Counting Down to School Success | Blog #parents

Counting Down to School Success | Blog:

Counting Down to School Success

Countdown to Success ImageIn the October edition of Parentingmagazine, the Department of Education teamed up with National PTA and Parentingto offer a month-by-month guide for parents and guardians that includes advice, tools, and online resources to help make this school year a great one.

To get the school year kicked off right, here are some handy tips from the guide:

  1. Reach out to your child’s teachers: Attend meet-the-teacher night, orientation or other welcome events, but don’t stop there. Make a point of introducing yourself and learning about class activities and expectations for the year.
  2. Get in the groove: Establish healthy at-home routines for school days, such as consistent waking times and getting-ready patterns. Decide on a regular homework time, and create a comfortable, quiet workspace.
  3. Time things right: Stay on top of everyone’s school, activity, and work schedules with a free online calendar or a smartphone app.
  4. Pack smart: Make sure your child’s backpack never weighs more than 10 to 20 percent of his or her body weight; heavy packs can strain developing muscles and joints.
  5. Commit to volunteering: With help from parents like you, your school can offer many more programs and services for your kids. Ask about volunteer opportunities in the school community and your children’s classrooms, and check out your school’s parent organization.

To read tips for the entire school year and to download the entire guide, visit theCountdown to School Success page.