Saturday, September 10, 2011

Beyond 9/11 – Love Not Fear « MomsRising Blog

Beyond 9/11 – Love Not Fear « MomsRising Blog:

Beyond 9/11 – Love Not Fear

Posted September 10th, 2011 by Homa Tavangar

The age difference between my oldest child and youngest is ten years. The daughter who was in third grade on September 11, 2001 started her first year of college last week, and the “baby” is now at the same school, sitting in the exact same elementary classroom as her big sister did on 9/11/01. I resisted writing about the tenth anniversary of 9/11 – there’s already much opinion criss-crossing the airwaves, and there have been so many other tragedies – genocide in Rwanda, recovery in New Orleans and Haiti, famine in Somalia, tsunami aftermath in Asia, contempt for human rights in Iran – that also deserve attention or outrage.

However, like many Americans, I can’t get shake the memory of 9/11 – not only do I remember it every day, twice a day, when the digital clock reads 9:11, but it’s changed me. I changed careers because of 9/11. From a business consultant to a writer and

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