Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Best Things in Life are FREE! « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

The Best Things in Life are FREE! « Diary of a Public School Teacher!:

The Best Things in Life are FREE!

Teachers don’t make much money, correct? It’s common knowledge that we are one of the hardest working professions, make very little money, and yet , we have a high level of “out-of-pocket” expenses. That’s why I (and probably every teacher I know), love it when someone comes out with a Fun Resource that Entertains and Engages,(FREE) ! Get it?

However, what irks, and disappoints, me are the companies who provide you with a free tool when they first enter the market. They reel you in and you use their products for an entire school year, loving every minute of it. Finally, you get to the “How could I teach without this?