Saturday, September 3, 2011

#7 Special Education Part 2 (IEP) | Special Needs in Education

#7 Special Education Part 2 (IEP) | Special Needs in Education:

#7 Special Education Part 2 (IEP)

Understanding your role in the development of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP);

43430 University of Montana – Western

Image by SeattleRay
Since its founding in 1893 The University of Montana – Western has been dedicated to excellence in undergraduate education.

Today, the unique mission of UM-Western emphasizes experiential learning that combines theory and practice through projects and field experiences. This mission infuses the curriculum in:

* century-long tradition for excellence in teacher education
* growing strength in the interdisciplinary arts and sciences
* two-year associate degree programs responding to regional needs

UM-Western enrolls an average of 1,200 students who come to campus for an