Friday, August 26, 2011

This Week In Education: Thompson: Coherence Vs. Dynamism (Or Both)

This Week In Education: Thompson: Coherence Vs. Dynamism (Or Both):

Thompson: Coherence Vs. Dynamism (Or Both)

One-size-fits-allFordham's Mike Petrilli shows another way out of education's "day to day vitriol" with his "One Size Fits Most." America needs both, the "Coherence Camp," which looks to curricular coherence and professionalized instruction to improve our school systems, and the "Dynamism Devotees," who want to "unbundle" schooling. Linda Darling Hammond, Marc Tucker, and David Cohen would draw upon international examples and create national standards and a handful of national curricula. I am not convinced that our low-poverty schools are broken, but I am confident that the Coherence Camp would produce real improvements. Rick Hess, Paul Hill, and Tom Vander Ark could encourage choice schools that "make it easy to drop out of the

Celebrities: Britney Spears, American History Teacher

image from an interview with, the 29-year-old mother of two opens up about the career choices she might've made if she hadn't reached international stardom at a young age. "I'd probably be a teacher," she tells the site. "I love kids, and even in what I do now one of my favorite parts of my day is getting to meet my fans before the show. Especially the little ones.