Monday, August 29, 2011

School Tech Connect: Pension Call Tuesday, Spread The Word

School Tech Connect: Pension Call Tuesday, Spread The Word:

Pension Call Tuesday, Spread The Word

Pension Call, Pension Call! All hands on deck!

They're all important but this one is not to be missed.

As Fred points out, Nekritz voted "yes" on SB 512*, the Fahner/Madigan Pension Destruction Act of 2011, even though she was throwing all kinds of signals that it wasn't her cup of tea. She needs to know that people have her back when she stands up for the good rather than caving to whatever Madigan is holding against her. By all rights, she should have voted no; she was elected by a base that would have supported a "No" vote back in May. Her "Yes" vote was an Obama-like appeal to people who will never vote for her in a general election. Call her. Support her. Let her know you'll march though the streets of Northbrook, dangerously over-trafficked though they may be.

The only people she ever hears from are angry, angry TAKU** people. I worked in Northbrook for years. I know. You've got to call her!

*She's on the committee that voted to send it to the House floor, where it was later pulled because of, among other things, our calls.

**Taxes are KILLING us!