Wednesday, August 10, 2011

School Tech Connect: Penchant For Pensions

School Tech Connect: Penchant For Pensions

Penchant For Pensions

Well, back to the grind. And by grind, I mean defending the pensions. Apparently this is now the permanent, ongoing thing we all have to do on a weekly basis. I'm ready. I'll be revving up the fax tomorrow and recruiting my network of hellraisers.

If you're working in a school, may I suggest that you do like Arne Duncan says to do, and raise the bar. You might even want to change the game. Ask people to post their advocacy letters on a bulletin board; use a checkoff list. Give people little gold stars. Set a goal for x number of letters and faxes by a certain date.

Colleagues sometimes ask me what to write--- and sometimes I help them. The thing is to do a bit of research