Tuesday, August 30, 2011

RheeFirst, Michelle Rhee Attack Site, Defended By Teachers Union

RheeFirst, Michelle Rhee Attack Site, Defended By Teachers Union:

RheeFirst, Michelle Rhee Attack Site, Defended By Teachers Union


First Posted: 8/30/11 01:34 PM ET Updated: 8/30/11 01:34 PM ET

In the eyes of Steven Brill, the American Federation of Teachers building a website attacking Michelle Rhee and masking its origins is worse than Rhee's creating a billion-dollar organization aimed at revamping education that doesn't disclose its backers.

Brill, author of the recent Class Warfare: Inside the Fight to Fix America's Schools, came to the education beat after writing a piece for the New Yorker about the "Rubber Room," a place where New York City public school teachers were paid to stay out of classrooms.

"People are generally making a mistake when they don't disclose who's donating," Brill told The Huffington Post. "But when you set up a website