Saturday, August 6, 2011

NYC Parents Union Files Lawsuit Demanding Charters Pay Rent « New York City Parents Union

NYC Parents Union Files Lawsuit Demanding Charters Pay Rent « New York City Parents Union

NYC Parents Union Files Lawsuit Demanding Charters Pay Rent


July 25, 2011

New York City Parents File Lawsuit Against Separate and Unequal Charter Co-locations and Illegal Free Rent and Services to Charter Schools

The New York City Parents Union, Class Size Matters and public school parents today filed a lawsuit charging the New York City Department of Education with creating a “separate and unequal” education system through the co-locations of charter schools in public school buildings.

In New York City, charter schools are private non-profit education corporations which have contracts called“charters” with an authorizer such as the New York State Education Department or State University of New York to provide educational services. Charter schools are publicly funded but, to date, have usually been managed either by a for-profit corporation or by a non-profit corporation who has hired a for-profit corporation to assist with management. In these cases, a private entity is deriving a profit — a profit that is not necessarily benefiting our