Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Hijacking of a Dream: The Need too Reclaim Dr. King’s Legacy |

The Hijacking of a Dream: The Need too Reclaim Dr. King’s Legacy |

The Hijacking of a Dream: The Need too Reclaim Dr. King’s Legacy

dr martin luther king jr quote 300x200 The Hijacking of a Dream: The Need too Reclaim Dr. King’s LegacyThe Hijacking of a Dream: Why We Need to Reclaim Dr. King’s Legacy

By: Solomon Comissiong

On August 28, 2011, the dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial will take place on the National Mall in Washington DC. Having the dedication of this memorial on the 48th anniversary of the March on Washington, is clearly a symbolic gesture—paying homage to one of the many defining moments in the great civil rights leader’s life. However, the planners/corporate contributors of this event, along with many of the politicians that will be in attendance, are symbolic themselves—they are symbols of everything Dr. King was, and would be opposed to—if he were