Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dallas Morning News Rips Arne Duncan’s Texas Gaffe as a “Politically Motivated Distortion” | Scathing Purple Musings

Dallas Morning News Rips Arne Duncan’s Texas Gaffe as a “Politically Motivated Distortion” | Scathing Purple Musings

Dallas Morning News Rips Arne Duncan’s Texas Gaffe as a “Politically Motivated Distortion”

Dallas Morning News editorial writer Robert Scott has had it with Arne Duncan:

Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s insult to Texas public education was a politically motivated distortion that doesn’t become a federal official in his position.

What a load this guy is.

We shouldn’t hear lies come out of the mouth of the nation’s top education official (photo at right) when he discusses the record of millions of students
and dedicated educators.

People work too hard to have their work dismissed with his pathetic statement about feeling “very,