Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ayn Rand and the Philosophy of Individualism (Part I) | Dailycensored.com

Ayn Rand and the Philosophy of Individualism (Part I) | Dailycensored.com

Ayn Rand and the Philosophy of Individualism (Part I)

(This is part one of a four-part series on the ethics and political theory of Ayn Rand, written exclusively for The Daily Censored, by Dr. Robert Abele, professor of philosophy at Diablo Valley College in the San Francisco Bay Area.)

aln Ayn Rand and the Philosophy of Individualism (Part I)Ayn Rand has become the darling of both neoliberals and, unfortunately, many young people today. The latter phenomenon has been due in large part to the intense promotion of her writings by the well-organized and well-funded Ayn Rand Institute.