Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why “I Don’t Do Technology” Isn’t Acceptable | Connected Principals

Why “I Don’t Do Technology” Isn’t Acceptable | Connected Principals

Why “I Don’t Do Technology” Isn’t Acceptable

The FAA Credit Union building which stands in for the Crime Lab in CSI: Miami.

The FAA Credit Union building, which stands in for the Crime Lab in "CSI: Miami". Image by Tony Hoffarth.

Imagine an episode of CSI where the main character doesn’t “do” technology:

“Tonight, on CSI: Miami, Horatio Caine investigates a brutal crime wave using only his wits and his sunglasses. He matches fingerprints, tire tracks, and fiber samples…by hand! His new motto: ‘DNA? We don’t need no stinking DNA! Sherlock Holmes got by with a magnifying glass and adeerstalker! Why do I need technology?’”

Imagine the conversation you have with your doctor when he diagnosed you with cancer after a brief examination.