Wednesday, July 27, 2011

When the story is education, Rupert Murdoch gets involved | GothamSchools

When the story is education, Rupert Murdoch gets involved | GothamSchools

When the story is education, Rupert Murdoch gets involved

Rupert Murdoch takes a strong interest in his newspapers' education coverage. (Photo by WorldEconomicForum on Flickr)

How involved is Rupert Murdoch at the newspapers he owns? When the subject is education, Murdoch’s views directly influence the coverage in the New York Post and, at the least, the sorts of meetings taken at the Wall

Remainders: Jon Stewart patching in to Save Our Schools rally

  • Comedian Jon Stewart will be appearing via video at the Save Our Schools rally. (Palm Beach Post)
  • A teacher tried to list reasons to attend the rally but came up with just one big one. (James Boutin)
  • An attempt to debunk the idea that charter schools are taking over public education. (Quick and Ed)
  • In a paper, Rick Hess looks at the thorny issue of quality control in online learning. (Fordham Institute)
  • Colorado loses an extra-large number of students during senior year. A look at why. (Ed News Colorado)
  • The Walton Foundation is giving $50 million to help Teach for America expand. (Teacher Beat)
  • Things improved at Collin’s school when the principal bought a round of drinks. (GS Community)
  • The new head of ACS, Ronald Richter, was a deputy through the agency’s troubles. (Daily Politics)
  • What can stop the government’s impasse over the debt ceiling? Junior high civics teachers! (The Onion)
  • In a letter, Tom Vander Ark defends his decision to pull out of NYC charter schools he started. (Times)
  • A wonk lamented to the House that it is easier to become a teacher than play college football. (HuffPo)