Sunday, July 10, 2011

What makes Audrey livid? « Fred Klonsky's blog

What makes Audrey livid? « Fred Klonsky's blog

What makes Audrey livid?

I read a comment on a friend’s Facebook page from someone who says they have talked to IEA Executive Director Audrey Soglin since I posted the Edelman video. He says she is livid.

Me too.

I guess I’d like to know what she is livid about.

I’ve known Audrey for many years. I’ve never actually seen her livid. Or angry. And that’s okay. Nobody should be judged on how they express their emotions.

But when I was the target of right-wing yahoos from the Education Action Group in Michigan, subject to a FOIA action of all my work emails, including union communications, Audrey wasn’t livid. I spoke with her on the phone. She told me that it was a case that would be handled through normal channels. Normal channels? Are