Saturday, July 16, 2011

“Watch Your Mouth!” « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

“Watch Your Mouth!” « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

“Watch Your Mouth!”

In my last post, “Sit Your A** Down…” I used the expression, “Excuse My French“. A reader took me to task for the use of this expression because she took offense to it. After reading her comment, and looking up the origin of the term, I realized that it could be considered offensive and changed the word “French” to “Language.”. I also posted a reply to her comment. I am aware that I am the author of this post, and can write what I like, but I also realize that I have a global audience, so I should be careful of the terms I use.

In the classroom, we also have to be aware of what we say, or allow to be said, to, and around, our students. Our classrooms are populated with children from different backgrounds, religion, cultures, etc… What may be harmless or funny to us, may not be to a student or a colleague. How many students are willing to