Friday, July 22, 2011

This Week In Education: Chart: What An 18 Percent Spending Cap Would Look Like

This Week In Education: Chart: What An 18 Percent Spending Cap Would Look Like

Chart: What An 18 Percent Spending Cap Would Look Like

ScreenHunter_17 Jul. 21 22.03Capping federal spending at 18 percent of GDP, which is what many Republicans propose to do as part of the budget deal, is a funding level that hasn't existed since 1966, notes the Democratic-leaning Center on American Progress, at which time

AM News: Closures, Gay History, Evolution & More


Memphis School Year Faces Indefinite Delay Slate: The start of the academic year for Memphis public schools could be delayed indefinitely if the mayor's office does not reach an agreement with the local school board soon.

California Brings Gay History Into The Classroom NPR: Proponents say it presents a more accurate view of history but opponents say the requirement promotes a "homosexual agenda." Now teachers are figuring out how to incorporate the new material.

Ed Schools’ Pedagogical Puzzle NYT: New models for teacher preparation are thinking outside the box. Are they too far out?

Debate renews on for-profit colleges Marketplace: Hearings seek suggestions on how to improve success rates at for-profit colleges and also reduce high rate of defaults on federal student loans.

Fight over teaching evolution in Texas fizzles AP: State education officials made only minor changes to new science materials for the coming school years.

New Initiative Targets 'School-to-Prison' Pipeline EdWeek: A new undertaking from the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education targets school discipline policies that end up pushing children into the juvenile-justice system.