Friday, July 29, 2011

This Week In Education: AM News: Uncertainty Over SOS / White House Meeting

This Week In Education: AM News: Uncertainty Over SOS / White House Meeting

AM News: Uncertainty Over SOS / White House Meeting


'Save Our Schools' Leaders Decline White House Invitation EdWeek: Organizers instead say the White House can come to them, or they'll come to the White House on Sunday. Obama officials had no comment on the executive committee's response to their invitation.

No area school districts meet annual progress goals Anderson Independent: The disparity led South Carolina Superintendent of Education Mick Zais to declare the federal “No Child Left Behind” law “broken.”

Parent group files complaint over performance goals in Gwinnett schools AJC: While the No Child Left Behind Act requires 100 percent of schools in each state meet basic performance goals by 2013-14, the Gwinnett and Forsyth County school districts have promised contractually to do even better and increase the number of students.

Dropping Out, A Life-Changing Decision NPR: Each year, nearly 1 million teenagers stop going to school, a decision that can hound them for decades.

Schools Turn To Fees After Drop in State Aid NYT: Texas school districts are turning to fees so that parents will make up some of the money that previously came from the state.

School Plan to Engage Parents Arouses Skepticism CNC: The new leadership at Chicago Public Schools is taking another crack at one of the district’s thorniest problems: involving parents in their children’s education.

Cartoon: "It Could Be Worse"