Sunday, July 3, 2011

This is What Democracy Looks Like - Lily's Blackboard – #NEARA11

This is What Democracy Looks Like - Lily's Blackboard – Lily's Blackboard

This is What Democracy Looks Like

I’m at the annual Representative Assembly of my National Education Association. We are a strange but noble people. We are passionate. We wear T-shirts and buttons that say funny things. We are generous. We are sensitive and kind and a little crazy. We are very smart. We care about someone else’s child
These teachers and support professionals and college professors and librarians and principals and counselors and school nurses and anyone and everyone who touches the life of a student from preschool to graduate school have been duly elected and certified to represent the NEA members back home who sent them here to be their voice.

We sit in a huge cavernous hall with 40 microphones and 22 big screen monitors and we listen, learn, teach, debate and decide positions and actions of the NEA focused around a mission to prepare each and every blessed student to succeed in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world - A world that needs them