Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Teacher Inactivist Man vs. Achievement Gap Woman: Double speak as idiot wind |

Teacher Inactivist Man vs. Achievement Gap Woman: Double speak as idiot wind |

Teacher Inactivist Man vs. Achievement Gap Woman: Double speak as idiot wind

Teacher’s wages, student poverty, cuts in educational funds, leaving ‘children behind’, ‘failure to close the ‘achievement gap’ and more sophistry in education all combine to frame the Sophocles tragedy we call ‘educational theatre’. As you listen to the YouTube tragic-humor found at pay close to attention to the language employed, not to mention the dialogue. To take one example, the ‘achievement gap’ and its twin, Social Darwinism, is now conveyed in a language of ‘double speak’ – the language George Orwell warned us would come about in his epoch novel1984. Inequality is now masked by those who wield power by the use of a language of power and dismemberment of thinking.

Formed in think tanks, by the likes of philanthropirates like Bill Gates, ‘double