Saturday, July 30, 2011

#SOSMarch School Tech Connect: Scenes From a March

School Tech Connect: Scenes From a March

Scenes From a March

Just going to embed some selected shots here from the SOS March and National Call to Action. I'm working on getting ID's on all the people in this show; give me a day or two.

What a wonderful event--- I'm so grateful for the herculean efforts of the organizers. Many of the giants in modern American education were at the event; I think that speaks to the importance of the day. I didn't see any billionaires; they must have been over at the Department of Education writing policy.

I have no idea how many people were there. I mingled a bit, did some interviews, but I spent most of the time crouching in the shade created by the people in front of the stage. My only crowd shots were early in the day.