Wednesday, July 20, 2011

solidaridad: Open Letter to Danielle Katzir of Parent Revolution and Green Dot Charter Schools

solidaridad: Open Letter to Danielle Katzir of Parent Revolution and Green Dot Charter Schools

Open Letter to Danielle Katzir of Parent Revolution and Green Dot Charter Schools

"The lowest-performing, based on test scores, is the large Green Dot chain." — Los Angeles Times

DFER are reactionary agents of neoliberalsim and school privatization
Gabe Rose, Deputy Director Parent Revolution aka McKinley Parents for Change
From: "Robert D. Skeels"
Date: February 07, 2011 15:03:33 PST
To: Danielle Katzir
Cc:,, Shirley Ford , Marco Petruzzi , Jed Wallace ,, Gloria Romero
Subject: Follow up questions, plus Gibson Crutcher Dunn representing Wal-Mart?

Ms. Katzir:

I'm a little perplexed as to why you haven't answered my calls and emails. I want you to know that several journalists and I saved copies of