Friday, July 1, 2011

School Tech Connect: Whittier Parents Standing Strong

School Tech Connect: Whittier Parents Standing Strong

Whittier Parents Standing Strong

I dropped by Whittier Dual Language Community School today just to see what was going on. The Tribunerecently ran a hack job trying to make the Whittier parents look like shape-shifting simpletons, infiltrated by communists. It's the kind of article that makes me even more suspicious about what's happening down in Pilsen. When the Trib runs a piece that has someone from UNO gunning against a community school, you know there's a real estate deal somewhere in the works.

In case you've been out of the mix, here's what's going on. Whittier School is a dual language community school that doesn't have an official library, like a lot of other Chicago schools. It does have a fieldhouse, and inside the fieldhouse, there's a makeshift library, supplied entirely by donations and supervised by volunteers. There's no library program per se. The fieldhouse is called La Casita, and it's also a space used by the community-- it's all part of the soon-to-be-extinct vision of a public school being the anchor of local communities. This is an