Sunday, July 17, 2011

School Tech Connect: Do Something Today!

School Tech Connect: Do Something Today!

Do Something Today!

Whether you're going to the SOS March or not, there's something very smart and productive you can do this week to help save our schools, and that is to contact your member of congress with a specific message about HR 2218, or what I like to call, the Arne Duncan/Unregulated Free Market Chartergasm Bill.

The very nice people at PAA put together some guidance for you; all you have to do is send a letter or fax. Here's mine-- I faxed if off this morning.

Here's the PAA guidance that you should include with your message.

This charter-on-every-corner bill is in committee, so you might want to send your note to the committee members as well. If you're in Illinois, you should at least send one to the soon-to-be-without-a-district Judy Biggert. I haven't followed Biggert too much; as a Republican, she'll probably be entrenched in the Edelman/Broad/Duncan dismantle-public-education camp, so she should be contacted.

You might included Sharon Higgins' charter fact sheet as well. If you are going to SOS March, it only makes sense to contact your representative first and offer to meet her/him while you're there. I'm guessing that 95% of the faculty you work with haven't bothered to weigh in on any of these issues, so you might want to contact them, too.