Thursday, July 14, 2011

Save our Schools Rally & March July 30, 2011 Washington, DC

Education Votes

SOS March

Save our Schools Rally & March
July 30, 2011
Washington, DC

The National Education Association has endorsed the Save our Schools March.

A well-educated society is essential to the future of the United States of America. Our students must have access to a fully funded, world-class public education system. Please join us on July 30, 2011 to show support for public education.

A Grassroots Mobilization for:

  • Ensuring resources students need to succeed
  • Encouraging community collaboration
  • Ending high-stakes testing
  • Listening to those closest to classrooms
  • Replacing failed mandates with what works

Sign up to tell us you will be marching on July 30 and get updates on the march.